Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Finding ghosts in the search engines

Well, I think that order only hides more than it reveals when you are not the Person Who Knows Where All Things Are (the one who organizes and puts things away).  That is why I can usually lay my hands on whatever I want in my house; because no one else is interested in putting anything away, or in creating any order. 

After 18 years of marriage, I can almost figure out where my husband might have put something, if company is coming and he ran around the house randomly throwing things out of sight.  The key: look for a space that is above his line of sight.  

Anyway, google and other search engines are fun when you are looking for information.  They're fun because, since you didn't organize them, you never know what extra tidbits of info might come your way.  Just yesterday, I was searching OCLC's Virtual International Authority File (granted, not as fun as google, but close) for Mark Twain.  Lo and behold, I found not only Samuel Langhorne aka Mark Twain, but I also found out that he may or may not have used the pseudonym Quintus Curtius Snodgrass.  The real bonus trivia item was that a person by the name of Robert Leichtmann wrote a book that was authored, via an Ouija board, by Mark Twain's spirit, in 1982.  And OCLC dutifully catalogued it, linking it to the living Mark Twain, under the heading "Twain, Mark, (spirit)".  Who knew.

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