Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Pictures that Are Worth a Thousand Words - Module 9, Lesson 1

This lecture covered my passion - poverty, illiteracy, and the availability of information worldwide.

So, instead of going on and on about my feelings on these topics, I thought that I would show you a real-life experience of ours, when we lived in India.

This is our high-speed internet connection, put in especially for us, after a year of bribing, begging, pleading, and pressure from my husband's multi-national company.  It cost approximately $30,000 USD per year.  Internet is not normally that expensive in India, but in our case, my husband needed high-speed access to do international conference calls late into the night, after his office building closed (think global time differences).  So we lucked out and had high-speed internet.  I don't know of anyone else, expatriate or native, who had that there.  None of our staff had internet; none had any books other than the ledger that the guards kept (a logbook); all of them had cell phones.

This was our newly-installed high-speed internet connection in India, at the point where it came out of the wall around the house.

It randomly jumped out of the dirt lane we lived on, about halfway down the 1/2 mile to the paved road.  No idea why.

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