Saturday, August 3, 2013

uBio and Me, part II

Well, I tried three of the most common fish names that I ran into in Chennai, and only one came up in the uBio search.  However, I was using transliterated versions of the name (from Tamil characters to English), so that may have been the problem.  The fish I found was one of my family's favorites, Pomfret, or vavval, as it is called in Tamil.

I still wish I had known about this database when I lived in India!  Oh, as a matter of fact....short pause here while I look something else up....

DANG IT!  Another question that plagued me for four years answered in a second!  A zebu IS classified as a bovine!  I'd go into more detail, but you're probably tired of reading about India.

AND, those herds of giant water buffalo that roamed outside our house, through the streets, and which occasionally ran into our car.....there ARE two kinds!  Ha!  I was right on that one.

Yes, this was a most interesting chapter.  I had better get off of uBio or I won't have time to finish the text.

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